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Professional Changzhou feed machinery factory

Information Sources:This Station | Release Date: 2020-05-21 15:23
       Liyang Huida Machinery Co., Ltd. has the professional qualification of Changzhou feed machinery manufacturer. If you need to know which Changzhou feed machinery manufacturer is good, we can provide you with the best phone number and other contact information of Changzhou feed machinery manufacturer.
        Feed machine is mainly composed of feeding, mixing, granulation, transmission and lubrication system. Their job is to require no more than 15% moisture content with the powder feed auger from the hopper, by adjusting the speed of the variable speed motor to obtain the correct material flow, then enter the mixer, mix the steam through the mixing rod, if molasses or fat needs to be added, and exercise is added together with the steam from the mixing tube The amount of lubricating grease is usually no more than 3%, otherwise it is difficult to form. The powder temperature is 64-85 ℃ and the humidity is 14-6% after quenching. Then, the absorption of iron is removed by mixing iron impurities into the powder through the chute, and finally the iron is granulated in the suppression chamber.
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