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Product Overview:Extruder
Product Details

SPHG135 Dry Expander

Function and Characteristic:

1.This machine is widely used in feed industry for extruding full fat soya,corn,soya cakes,cotton seed cakes,husks,etc.It can also be used for extruding food in food industry;preprocess of bean in the oil refinery industry;

2.Harmful bacteria such as the coliform,salmonella in the soya bean can be efficiently killed,the starch can be cooked fully and the protein can be disgested and absorbed efficiency.

3.Frequency-convertible speed-adjustrable feeder can adjust the feeding homogeneity of the feeding rate in the extruding chamber

4.With jacket super conditioner for full and homogeneous condition and good efficiency.The conditioner is supplied with double-speed motor to control the material conditioning time for different conditioning and cooking result.

5.Easy installation and maintenance of the screw barrel and sleeve with long service life.

Parametric Technology:

1.Capacity (t/h):   Soybean:1.0~1.5

                 Particles:1.6~2.0 (extruded sucking pig feed)


2.Urease Activity(UA) Of Expanded Full Oil Soybean:≤0.4

3.Speed Of Spindle (rpm):630

4.Power (kw):55/75/90

5.Power Of Cooling Pump Motor (kw):0.55

6.Power Of Feeding Conditioner Motor (kw):3.0 (Inverter-fed Motor)

7.Weight Of Whole Machine (t):about 2.5

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