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  • HUIDA SSHJ Twin-Shaft Paddle Mixer

HUIDA SSHJ Twin-Shaft Paddle Mixer

Classification:Mixing Equipment
Product Overview:HUIDA- Twin-Shaft Paddle Mixer, Mixing Machine
Product Details
      SSHJ Twin Shaft Paddle Mixer consists of paddles with special angles mounted on twin shafts in a ‘w’ shaped through. The main task of SSHJ Twin Shaft Paddle Mixer is to produce a homogeneous mixing independent from particle size, shape and density, in shortest possible time.
     Twin Shaft Paddle mixers are frequently used as a mixing method in food industrial. In a mixing setup, mixer can be a separate unit or an integral part of the complete system. Twin Shaft Paddle mixers provide thorough mixing for both end products, and raw feedstock materials. Materials that are commonly mixed in a paddle mixer include: Animal Feed products in general、Feed Additives、Salt Lick and Minerals etc.
      SSHJ twin shaft paddle mixers can suit more exact material and processing needs. This presents lots of benefits:
     Short Mixing Time: The average mixing cycle time, including time for filling, mixing and discharging, is typically 30s to 2-3 min.
      High Throughout: Thanks to the short mixing time, our mixer can deliver a large output.
      No Segregation of Materials: Homogeneous mixing is achieved in a short time because of fluidization of the material. All types of particles, no matter their shapes and sizes, are easily mixed without segregation.
      Low Production Cost: The existence of fluidizing zone gives savings in terms of minimal wear and tear and low energy consumption.
  Operation Progress
      Twin Shaft Paddle Mixers are convective mixers, equipped with two shafts mounted with paddles that actively displace the powder.During operation, twin shafts are rotating in opposite direction. The paddles sweep the entire bottom of both through, and materials are lifted floating between two shafts (as zero-gravity zone) by the centrifugal force generated by the paddles. At this weightless zone, mixing of materials of different density is easy and fast because material particle can move freely and randomly, regardless of particle size and density. This brings a rapid and high homogenous mixing.
       A certain rotation speed of shaft is required in order to improve the mixing efficiency. At this speed, the paddles are able to lift particle material and create a fluidization of the product in central zone of mixer. This zone, called fluidization zone, is the area where mixing actually takes place.
  Parametric Technology:













Capacity per batch(Kg)






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