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  • Series Rota-shake Sifter

Series Rota-shake Sifter

Classification:Sifting Equipment
Product Overview:Sifting Equipment
Product Details
 As a material grading and screening equipment with novel construction and high efficiency, this product is widely used in various industries, such as grain, feed, flour, food, chemical, sugar-marking, Etc. especially in the grading and screening of pellet feed.
1、This machine is driven by belt. The bias weights are balanced and noise is low. 
2、High hardness screen hull is supported by flexible supporting plate. The support at the tail of screener hull is an improved elastic support with less vibration and low noise.
3、Flexible steel rope is the hanger rod of screen body.
4、The screening carriage is lengthened on the basis of the original rotary screener, which make the grading of the pellet feed and crumbled feed more thoroughly.
5、During screening, because material passes through three different operating areas of rotation, oval and straight-line, it is graded quickly, completely and automatically which greatly improves the grading capability and reaches the best screening effect. This product is the advanced and high efficient replacement of grading and screening equipment.
6、Less dust, low noise, less vibration, smooth running; big rotary radius, high sizing capability, good screening effect.
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